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Phone: 850-363-1736

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jayden Blakely's Journey - Posted by Jayden's Mom

For those of you who dont know the story or only part of it....

My son Jayden who will be 2 Feb 12, 2011 was diagnosed with a wilms tumor Nov 29, 2010.  This is a type of cancer that grows from the kidney.
On 11-8-10  I picked Jayden up from daycare when i got off work and the sitter told me he hasnt felt good all day and that he had threw up ...once that morning but no more than that and that there was a stomache bug going around.We get home and he continues to throw up. his dad then notices that Jaydens stomache is bulging way out on the right side. We then decide to call Jayden's doctor . The doctor confirms thst there is a stomache virus going around but wants us to go to urgent care so the doctors can check Jaydens stomache. The first thing the doctor thought was Jayden is just constipated so she did a rectal exam. Imediately after the exam she informs us that Jayden isnt constipated and it was something far more severe and she wanted us to go to TMH for futher testing and recommended us go by ambulance.. once were settled in at TMH the first thing they do is an ultra sound and found nothing. So the nurses hook him to an IV and begin to give him fluids. The next thing is an x- ray and they still have no idea whats going on. Last he has a CT scan its 2:30 am and the results are back this is whenthe doctors tell us our son has cancer and an ambulance is on the way to take us to shands. 11-9-10, 5:00 am we arrive at shands the doctors start coming in to see us as soon as we get there and informed us that day jayden would have nothing but test ran on him. After all the testing that day and speaking with about 10 different doctors jaydens surgery was scheduled for the next day. 11-10-10 jayden went into surgery that morning to have the tumor and right kidney removed and a port inserted to the left side of his chest. After playing the waiting game for about 7 hrs we recieve a call frrom the surgeon saying Jayden was out of surgery and that the bad news was the tumor was covered in cyst and as they were removing the tumor some of the cyst burst inside of him. The good news is the tumor looked to be benign and they didnt have to put in the port because They didnt think  jayden was going to need chemotherapy.But with the tumor being so rare it was being sent to a lab in chicago that deals with al type of stomache tumors from around the world. This tumor they removed form my son was belived to be between 4 and 6 pounds and was the size of a football. It was the largest of this type of tumor and only the 3rd one the doctors have seen at shands in 30years. 11-17-10 we were discharged to head home with a follow up in a couple of weeks back at shands. 11-29-10 we head back to shands hoping for great news. the doctor comes in with Jaydens lab reports and tells us the lab in chicago found the tumor to be milignant in some spots and Jayden has now been diagnosed with a stage 3 wilms tumor and he would have to undergo the full treatment of chemotherapy and radiation. 12-2-10 we are back at shands to go through another surgery to have the port put in his chest.12-3-10 he recieved his first chemotherapy treatment and back home we went. 12-8-10 through 12-16-10 once again back to shands so jayden can do his radiation treatment for 6 consecutive days having the weekend off. This past monday 1-10-11 we finished our 6th chemotherapy treatment and still have about 20 more to go. We still have a long road ahead of us but Jayden is in God's hands and I have faith.  

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jayden Blakely's Journey - Mini Photo Sessions Fundraiser Event

Jayden Blakely’s Journey

About Jayden:

Meet Jayden Blakely! From all outward appearances you see a handsome, lively 23 month old without a care in the world. It's what you can't see on the inside that makes this little boy and his family so special... Jayden was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer in November 2010 after doctors removed a 4 lb. Wilms tumor from his kidney and in the process also removed his kidney. Since his diagnosis, Jayden has completed 6 rounds of chemo therapy and still has about 20 more to go! In an effort to extend my support to this family and to hopefully alleviate some of the day to day financial strains, I will be booking mini sessions to take place January 29th and January 30th with ALL proceeds going to Jayden and his family.

Session Details:


30 minute session for up to 3 people
1 - High Resolution CD with 5 Images and copyright release
Location is currently undetermined

To schedule your session, contact Ammie Bodiford Photography by any of the following methods:

Phone: 850-363-1736

Additional Information:

 If you would like to donate to Jayden’s Family please visit: There you will find a link to send donations via paypal as well as a link to “Jayden Blakely’s Journey” on Facebook.

Mini Photo Sessions
Fundraiser Event
January 29 - 30, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jayden Blakely's Journey

Meet Jayden Blakely!  From all outward appearances you see a handsome, lively 23 month old without a care in the world.  It's what you can't see on the inside that makes this little boy and his family so special... Jayden was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer in December 2010 after doctors removed a 4 lb. Wilms tumor from his kidney and in the process also removed his kidney.  Since his diagnosis, Jayden has completed 6 rounds of chemo therapy and still has about 20 more to go!  Can you imagine?  Between hospital stays, surgeries and travel back & forth from Tallahassee to Gainesville for treatments, that doesn't leave much time for anything including work which is an essential part of our society these days to survive and provide for our family.  In an effort to extend my support to this family and to hopefully alleviate some of the day to day financial strains, I will be booking mini sessions to take place January 29th and January 30th with ALL proceeds going to Jayden and his family.  I am currently working out all of the details and once finalized I will post location and times available.  If you would like to show your support for this family, there is a group set up on facebook called "Jayden Blakely's Journey" click the link below to join this group:!/home.php?sk=group_163823850324100&ap=1